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Stick Figure Penalty 2
Not a good day to be a stick man. Another game in the choose your own stick death games.
Stick Death Showcase 2
Another game in choose-stick-death series for all you sick stick haters! Why must all the good sticks die? This one must have been a very bad stick man. Very bad.
Stickman Sam 3
Part 3 includes a new mission, new weapons, and new abilities such as roll, duck, climb, and hang.
This is a short point&click (&destroy of course) adventure game. It's fun to blow things up...
Stick Figure Penalty
This Stickman deserves whatever punishment he gets. Be a pal and make it quick.
Stick Trinity
3 Stick Characters to chose: Warrior, Assasin, Berserker. 7 Chapters, ton of guards. Katana, Spear, Wrist Sword, Flying daggers.
Princesses Rock Band
Ariel, Tiana and Merida formed their own rock band and the girls are quite good! Ariel is the lead singer, Tiana rocks the guitar and Merida the drums. After playing for a bigger crowd at the schoo...
Defenseless Stick
The poor defenseless stick is stuck in a world out to get him. Stay alive as long as you can, trust us, it won't be long. Especially when the alien boss shows up. He doesn't play fair.
Head on a Stick
Fun and crazy head balancing action. Travel the world and beyond balancing heads on sticks.
Stick Figure Suicide
How to play This stick has to die, and you get to pick how! There are plenty of options for you to pick, and don't worry, he always will!